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- Short: Plays SIDSONGS, OctamedSS, mods etc!
- Author: amorel@xs4all.nl
- Uploader: amorel@xs4all.nl
- Version: 1.7
- Type: mus/play
- Replaces: mus/play/Amoralplay1.5*
- Url: http://www.xs4all.nl/~amorel
- This program is shareware but fully functional. Please pay 5 Euro or $5.
- Use paypal(www.paypal.com), or contact me for other methods of payment.
- If you pay, you will get better support and you will get updates sooner.
- Also I`m more likely to implement your wishes :-) And of course paying this
- reasonable fee will encourage me to improve this more.
- Check http://www.xs4all.nl/~amorel/amusic.html or http://www.mp3.com/vopak
- for my music.
- version 1.7
- * There is now a menu option to recursively scan a
- directory(hopefully with music files) and make a playlist out of
- it. This list will then appear in the playlist of the main window
- and it can be treated like any oeher playlist. So it can be saved.
- * Menu layout has been improved
- * The position of the playlist in the main window will jump to the
- currently loaded song.
- * Some textual changes reflecting the change to the Euro.
- version 1.6
- * Does now play sidsongs! :-)
- * Will now also show information on sidsongs and digibooster songs
- * Added 2 gadgets to play different songs within a sidsong
- * Added a menu option to change sid replay speed between PAL 50Hz
- and NTSC 60 Hz(Requires a restart of the sidsong to take effect).
- version 1.5.5
- * A little playlist bug has been fixed
- * Some other fixes and changes
- * I changed the main icon to AmigaOS 3.1 style,
- there`s another fancy 3.5 icon in the archive.
- * Files packed with one of Octamed`s pack formats needs a specific
- compressor which I couldn`t find on aminet anywhere, so I`ve added
- it in this archive. Copy it(xpkBLZW.library) to libs:compressors
- if necessary.
- * See update history for more.
- This program is likely to be updated at a regular basis, so if you encounter
- any problems it might already have been cured in a more recent update.
- This audio/song player supports:
- * Sidsongs
- * Octamed Soundstudio (OSS)
- * Any other octamed and med format
- * Mods
- * Digibooster(through AHI)
- * Iff 8 bit samples direct from disk
- * More to come....
- Copy libraries to libs:
- Copy xpkBLZW.library to libs:compressors
- Copy main program anywhere you like!
- As some may know I love (electronic)music and compose it myself. Of course
- I have been using(and still use) several of the best Amiga song(module)
- players around. But I found them to be overfeatured, with tons of menu
- options and window gadgets and supporting tons of formats many hardly
- have ever heard about ;-) In other words, in an attempt to cover
- everything audio and what not they became sort of overkill.... to me at least.
- Hence my motivation to make a song/audio/module/whatever the name should
- be, player.
- Besides the Amiga I`ve been/am developing on several other platforms, the
- C=64, linux, qnx, for job(s): the IBM AS/400, RS/6000, MAC and some other
- platform widely used, which I prefer to forget.
- Tools used:
- Amiga 1200 with a 200 mHz ppc/25 mHz 040 powerup card and 32 mb of memory.
- Blitz Basic, a great programming language for which some of the best games
- ever have been made and are being made. Also very good for application
- development. Coffee, tea, gym, team fortress quaking(try or
- game.uplink.de for that :) to keep my sanity ;-)
- The program:
- Ok, as you know by now this program plays modules of different formats.
- The formats currently supported are:
- * Sidsongs, the C=64 sid music, using the playsid.library
- * Med, Octamed, Soundstudio(thus 4 channel, 8 channel and the newest
- octamed soundstudio up to 64 channel formats)
- * Pt module(the standard mod format)
- * Digibooster through AHI
- * IFF 8 bit samples, direct from disk(so no memory limitations)
- The most widely used formats are covered as far as I`m concerned.
- There will appear some more support for other formats(see `future`) and
- if you think I missed out something really obvious, tell me.
- Usage:
- I`m not gonna tell, ought to be obvious :-)
- Well, in case you`re stuck, check the help menu.
- Needed:
- several octamed related libraries(included)
- dbplayer.library (included)
- libraries for powerpacker and xpk(included)
- AHI for digibooster(not included)
- Features:
- * Multi format(of course :)
- * Support for xpk`ed and powerpacked files, decrunching in
- fastmemory if available.
- * `App` support, thus drag and drop on window, appicon or
- appmenu(shift select)
- * Plays (octa)med, soundstudio and digibooster songs from
- fastmemory if available.
- * Fast and easy gadtools GUI
- * Soundperiod displayed with ST modules(working on it for other
- formats)
- * Usage of standard libraries for replay and decrunch, except ST
- modules and IFF 8 bit samples. (hm is that a feature or laziness? ;)
- * Able to load in ANY file and attempt to play it, asking you
- beforehand of course(see and listen for yourself ;) Might be
- usefull for the few people who love weird sounds, some files give
- perfect sounds for a psychedelic electro song :-D
- * Reasonably small and fast, doesnt use up much resources. Needs
- little memory to run
- * Works on all cpu types(as far as i know) and not on Amiga os <2.0,
- not tested though.
- * .... ask me for features you want/need! Ofcourse if you register I
- will be more likely to add your requests.
- Tested on:
- * Amiga 1200 with 200 mHz ppc, 25 mHz 040 and 32 mb fast
- * Amiga 1200 with 060
- * Bare Amiga 1200 2 mb chip, 14 mHz 020
- Known bugs:
- All known bugs have been fixed, that doesn`t mean however that there are not
- any bugs, most likely there are(as in any program). If you find some,
- contact me.
- Future:
- * Datatype support for replaying samples
- * 16 bit sample support
- * fast forward and rewind on other than PT modules
- * showing of period on other than PT modules
- * more formats?
- * mp3 support(maybe!)
- Update history:
- version 1.5.4
- (Thanks to Nick Clover and John Mason for finding some bugs.)
- * Graph. eq. apparently got drawn lower every time one changed it
- "back and forth" in the menu, whilst having a >8 pixel font. That`s
- fixed.
- * Changed the command to switch filter as it caused a crash at
- certain setups, why I don`t know.
- * Nick Clover editted my icon a bit to show up better on dark
- backgrounds. To use it just copy it over the regular icon using the
- cli.
- version 1.5.3
- * Some minor fixes worthy of an update
- version 1.5.2
- * Added font sensitivity, which hopefully resolves any font
- problems.
- * In combination with font sensitivity I improved compatibility
- with visualprefs. The windows will adjust size both for height
- and width. The graphic equalizer still won`t draw correctly, but
- it`s not essential. Will be fixed one day(stupid patches).
- * One can now read the information contained in PTmodules. It`s
- likely this will be extended to other module formats in the
- future.
- * Eject gadget was still a tiny bit not right, fixed.
- * As usual more bits and stuff
- version 1.5.1
- * Eject gadget had another image when pressed, non fatal, no big
- deal, but I`m a perectionist ;-)
- version 1.5
- * Now accepting paypal(www.paypal.com) for registrations!
- * Now using handdrawn image icons for better looks.
- * Completely reworked list routines, thanks go to David Newton and
- Tony Rolfe.
- * A new icon(glow icon), the old icon is still there if you prefer
- it.
- * More minor stuff....
- version 1.4.4
- * Added an online "bonus" song. Credits to that song go to someone
- called "Shamen", I could not find any contact info.
- * Made random play a bit "more random", it liked to be a tiny bit
- repetitive at times. Hope that`s better now.
- * Several minor tweaks and stuff
- version 1.4.3
- * Removed the b(eta) in the version number.
- * The program now accepts a filename as argument, only one file will be
- read(the first). And it is best to give the full path including the
- name(thus: amoralplayer music:playlists/varlist). It will understand
- either a playlist file or an audio file and act accordingly.
- * Changed the vertical wait function with a more OS-friendly function,
- which just does the same thing, only different ;-) It seems gfx board
- users will appreciate this most.
- * Minor bug fixes again, which occured at rare occasions and were not
- harmful.
- * Some other little tweaks and stuff.
- version 1.4.2b
- * Time out feature. Because figuring the end of a non ST module requires
- a great deal of hacking I have added for all those non ST formats a
- timeout option. You can set the time in the menu after wich the song
- quits and the next one will be load. You can ofcourse switch it off.
- And this obviously only works when a playlist is present. The timing
- happens through the vertical scanrate, so the accuracy depends on
- the screenmode.
- * It`ll now load in the system font as used on the workbench, though
- it`ll force it to 8 high for now. Tell me if that`s unacceptable ;-)
- * Added more error checking(I try the most to have it as foolproof as
- possible).
- * Minor bugs fixed(ofcourse ;)
- * See update history at the bottom of this text
- Version 1.4b
- * Another bug fixed, tried to redraw window equaliser when in playlist
- mode, iconified and attempting to start a new module. I`m ashamed ;-)
- * Bad bug cured. Choosing clearlist in a requester could`ve caused
- problems. This happened when playing a playlist and then an
- unrecognised file was loaded.
- * Changed module playroutine, for improved stabillity and such
- * Added a sort of graphic equaliser(Might redraw incorrectly with
- visualprefs hack, see known bugs)
- * Improved error checking and handling
- Version 1.3b:
- * Random play option added, to play a playlist randomly
- * Various minor bug fixes
- * You can now load and save playlists
- Verions < 1.3b:
- * Bugfix concerning ejecting a digibooster song and then loading
- one again.
- * Close gadget added to window.
- * Visualprefs problem out of place gadget characters solved
- Thanks to Stefano Clemente, Tomislav Kitynski and Thomas Hurst
- for telling me :-)
- * Little bugfix concerning stopping a mod and then loading new
- one.
- * Added eject button.
- * Bugfix: When playing a sample without a playlist it hangs, grmbl
- thanks to Curt Esser for telling me.
- * Playlist! Enough said :-)
- * Added font sensitivity concerning the window title, so the window
- gadgets will draw correctly if the windowtitle has a different
- size font than 8.
- etc.
- Credits:
- Wendy, my wife who I love a lot!
- Fabio Bizzetti as beta tester
- August('gustli) as beta tester
- Many people on the Blitz mailinglist for beta testing
- Teijo Kinunnen for the great Octamed(Soundstudio)
- Frederic Laboureur for New Commandset in Blitz
- James L Boyd for Pupit(powerpacker (un)pack)
- Xbones, Binary Assault
- Rick Hodger
- Red When Excited
- Acid
- David Newton for the DLL(lists)
- Tony Rolfe for modifications on the DLL
- Jay Miner, whose intellect made all this possible :-)
- Greetings:
- All on #amigaquake/#amigascne and #theend!
- Delphine `Elecwnch`
- Thomas `A340`
- August `Gustli`
- Damnation
- Nicholas `Yagger`
- Rune `Shitlips`
- The peopleĀ on the Blitz list
- I forgot many....
- Check server game2.uplink.de for some nice Quake Team Fortress matches.